Then, everything changed...]

Jeremy Charles Sweetnam
"Slut", "Safehands Sweetnam", "Jumbo Jer", "Clare's b*tch"
Favourite Food
Half time jelly babies; quadruple vodka and red bull ("I swear there's a lot of nutrition in it…")
Best Almaty Memory
Scoring a goal from goal!
Worst Almaty Memory
Getting lobbed into a 2 foot goal by my own player from 10 yards out… pretty humiliating…

Motto in Life
"Your place or mine?"
"Better to regret something you have done than something you haven't…"
Who is your sporting hero?
George Best obviously, how many Miss Worlds was it?
Neville Southall – don't ask…
What would your team mates say is your most annoying trait?
Trying to score with their WAGS…
Eating all of the half time jelly babies…
Most influential person on your Almaty career?
What career?!
What three words best describe you?
Gaggin for it…
Love u Clare!
What makes you laugh?
Jim's first touch…
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