Keith Espey
“Espey”, “SP”, “sp”, “Sp”, “sP”, “esspee”
28… Pushing on…
Best Almaty Memory
The time me, Jonathan Woodgate and Lee Bowyer went on the lash in the Majestyk - oh right, you said Almaty, not Leeds. I played for Leeds you know…
Worst Almaty Memory
Sending Lamps a text meant for a bird
Motto in Life
Is strippers a motto?
Who is your sporting hero?
Maradona, Bestie, Merse…
What would your team mates say is your most annoying trait?
Not being committed enough…
Most influential person on your Almaty career?
Eddie Gray
What three words best describe you?
Sex, drugs, androckandroll…
Happiest when…
Hammered in the Classic…
Worst fear(s)?
Not being able to play due to 'meningitis' like Sharpey…
Pet hate(s)?
London's Metropolitan Police… funny story…
Ambitions in life?
All of these were accomplished in Rio… happy times!!
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